Step 7 is a program within the Assist and Assure (A&A) approach that focuses on behavioral safety leadership and effective supervision at operational sites. Its purpose is to reduce incidents by engaging all individuals involved in work before, during, and after tasks.
The STEP 7 ‘Safe Work Process provides a structured approach to conversations that encourage full engagement of the work-site team.
This approach offers consistent and disciplined verification during any job to ensure the plan remains suitable as the task progresses. STEP 7 Conversations are key to identifying change.
The Step 7 program emphasizes safety conversations and a structured approach to ensure the presence of controls. It involves open-ended questions and engagement to activate critical thinking and engage everyone in executing tasks safely. The program also emphasizes the understanding and application of Focus Areas related to the HSE agenda and risk management.
During every task, Step 7 promotes safety conversations for assessing risks, ensuring adherence to plans, and managing changes. It provides a framework for discussions and awareness of potential issues. After completing a job, Step 7 encourages reflection on best practices, lessons learned, and opportunities for improvement.
Step 7 conversations can be conducted with teams or individuals during task execution, and they are applicable to all job types. The program is useful for verifying job details, managing changes in circumstances, and maintaining safety vigilance. Additionally, the Step 7 structure facilitates After-Action Reviews immediately following job completion to identify further learnings and enhance future performance.